Benefits and Risks

Soon after surgery, if you follow the recommended diet, you begin to enjoy many health-related benefits and an improved quality of life.

Health-Related Benefits

  • More than 80% of diabetes resolves
  • 75% of high blood pressure resolves
  • 70% of elevated cholesterol levels normalize
  • 90% of weight loss is maintained beyond 10 years

Surgical Weight Loss Risks

While no surgery is risk free, minimally invasive bariatric surgery is as safe as routine surgeries such as a hysterectomy or gallbladder removal.

Get Started

If you're interested in pursuing bariatric surgery as a weight loss solution, the first step is to attend one of our free informational seminars.

Seminar Options

Possible Risks

  • Bleeding or leaking from the surgical site: 1%
  • Wound infection, pneumonia or urinary tract infection: 1%-2%
  • Other minor complications: less than 4%

While the mortality rate for bariatric surgery is not zero, it is extremely low. It occurs in less than one in 1,000 cases. Avoiding surgery actually increases your risk of early death because of the ongoing obesity-related health issues. In fact, you are 10 times more likely to die from these health risks than from surgery alone.

Benefits vs. Risks

Unfortunately, many people don’t pursue surgery because they are either afraid of the risks or they feel having surgery is admitting to failure. Deciding to have weight loss surgery doesn’t mean you failed or are giving up. It means you are making the choice to change your life for the better. You are choosing to not let life pass you by.